lottery bond

lottery bond
фин. лотерейная облигация* (облигация, по которой не начисляется обычный купонный платеж, но которая периодически, обычно ежемесячно, участвует в розыгрыше денежных призов, которые больше, чем купонный платеж по обычным облигациям; поскольку такие облигации являются удобным инструментом для мошенников, их выпуск строго контролируется и разрешен обычно только государственным или подконтрольным государству учреждениям)
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лотерейная облигация
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облигация лотерейная
. . Словарь экономических терминов .

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Смотреть что такое "lottery bond" в других словарях:

  • Lottery Bond — Lottery Bonds are a type of government bond in which some randomly selected bonds within the issue are redeemed at a higher value than the face value of the bond.They are government bonds and only issued by a government. They have been issued by… …   Wikipedia

  • Lottery Bond — 1. A type of government bond issued in the United Kingdom by National Savings and Investment (NS I) that gives the holder a chance to win a random monthly drawing for a tax free cash prize. The bonds don t pay interest but they do encourage… …   Investment dictionary

  • lottery bond — noun : a bond issued by an interest lottery …   Useful english dictionary

  • Bond (finance) — In finance, a bond is a debt security, in which the authorized issuer owes the holders a debt and, depending on the terms of the bond, is obliged to pay interest (the coupon) to use and/or to repay the principal at a later date, termed maturity.… …   Wikipedia

  • Lottery machine — A lottery machine is the machine used to draw the winning numbers for a lottery.Early lotteries were done by drawing numbers, or winning tickets, from a container. In the UK, numbers of winning Premium Bonds (which were not strictly a lottery,… …   Wikipedia

  • Premium Bond — A Premium Bond is a lottery bond issued by the United Kingdom government s National Savings and Investments scheme. The government promises to buy back the bond, on request, for its original price.Premium Bonds were introduced by the government… …   Wikipedia

  • Premium Bond — 1) A bond that is trading above its par value. A bond will trade at a premium when it offers a coupon rate that is higher than prevailing interest rates. This is because investors want a higher yield, and will pay more for it. 2) A specific type… …   Investment dictionary

  • Michael Carroll (lottery winner) — For other individuals of this same name, see Michael Carroll (disambiguation). Michael Carroll (born 29 March 1983), born in Swaffham, Norfolk, UK, is a former binman who won £9.7 million[1] (then US$15.4m) on the National Lottery in November… …   Wikipedia

  • Florida Lottery — The Florida Lottery is one of the most lucrative single state lottery systems in the United States with numerous on line and scratch off games offering players a wide variety of prize levels.The minimum age to purchase a Florida Lottery ticket,… …   Wikipedia

  • Multi-State Lottery Association — The Multi State Lottery Association (MUSL) is a non profit, government benefit association owned and operated by agreement of its 33 member lotteries (see below.) MUSL was created to facilitate the operation of multi jurisdictional lottery games …   Wikipedia

  • Premium Savings Bond — Premium Bond or Premium Savings Bond noun A Government bond, the holder of which gains no interest, but is eligible for a money prize allotted by a draw held at stated intervals • • • Main Entry: ↑premium * * * Premium Bond [Premium Bond] …   Useful english dictionary

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